Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism, highly appreciated!

There is a rapid increasing of tourist in Cambodia to explore Angkor Complex, the old city of Khmer Empire, each year; tourism can be the negative impact to local culture and environment. To preserve and conserve this negative impact, we would like you to share some tips to help and protect the local culture and environment as the following:
+ Be with us

  • Experience local life by visiting local village at least once during your stay.
  • Try to learn a few words or phrases of the local language – Khmer language
  • Please remember that Cambodia peace has just been returned more than a decade and it is still a poor and developing country in Asia. Cambodians do not have the same level of education as the developed countries do, many are illiterate but they want to do their best and search for better improvement. Honest deal with challenges and positive manner so that they can learn from you.
+ Volunteering

  • If you are thinking about sharing your skill especially the education, training and tourism related filed the local NGO will cordially welcome you. From 2 months’ time and longer of volunteering is the best term.
+ Preserve Culture and Heritage

  • Cambodians are strictly embracing their tradition and religion. This has been started sine Pro-Angkor Period. The following things should be avoided when facing with Cambodians included:
    • Man should not touch woman
    • Monk should not be always touched especially by woman
    • Head should not be touched especially the people who are older than you
    • Take off your hate once you enter the pagoda premises
  • The heritage of Cambodians remained by their ancestors and it is now attracting millions of tourists visit each year. Angkor Wat and other temples are very old and can be fragile to the touch of hands.
+ Preserve Environment
  • Water conservation – it is now highly demanded in the Siem Reap City and lacking clean water in the country side.
  • If possible, do not ask hotel staff which you stay with to change your towels and bed sheets every day. Turn off the light, air-conditioner when leaving your room.
+ Leverage Local Economy
  • Take local guide and driver for your touring
  • Eat and accommodate at local owned restaurant and hotel
  • Shop at local market and try your hand at bargaining where appropriate – buy local goods and products to keep money in the economy and helps local people keep their jobs.
  • For advance planning your visit to Siem Reap, remember that most things are available here. Wait, and buy what you need when you get here; then you can support the local economy.
+ - Refrain to give back
  • • Help to refrain from giving to begging children on the roadside, find a project to donate instead. This will have a more positive and long-lasting impact. Please contact our receptionist at Front Desk for assistance.
You could also reach us for more information via Community Residence Siem Reap @

Or, you may need room accommodation by clicking @

more benefits are regularly offered at our property

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